ACIEI – Education

Certification Council for International Businesses and Professionals


ACIEI is a non-governmental private accreditation and membership organization in the USA for degree and non-degree granting institutions. ACIEI accredit any organizations/institutions in Science, Arts, Health, Technology, Theology, Vocational, Professional and Occupational fields.

ACIEI accreditation provides assurance that an institution program(s) meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates.

We accredit programs, institutions, healthcare, and training centers. We provide specialized accreditation for degree and none-degree granting institutions already recognized by states, national, regional or international institutional accreditation agencies or national education authorities worldwide.

We accredit college and university programs at the certificate, diploma, and degree levels.

With ACIEI accreditation, students, employers, and the society we serve can be confident that a program meets the quality standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce.

Developed by educational and healthcare professionals from ACIEI’s member societies, our criteria focus on what students experience and learn. Sought worldwide, ACIEI’s voluntary peer review process is highly respected because it adds critical value to academic programs in the healthcare disciplines, where quality, precision and safety are of the utmost importance.

Our experts come from industry, academia and organizations. They give their time and effort supporting quality assurance activities around the world by serving as evaluators, advisors, commissioners and board members.

ACIEI Vision, Mission, Objectives & Values

ACIEI’s accreditation provides assurance that an institution or educators meets the quality standards of the profession.



Excellence in inspiring and enabling international institutions and educators through our accreditation



Excellence in institutions and educators’ qualification through ACIEI accreditation that assures the institution meet minimum standard. Continuous supports to improvement to brace educational standards.


Why ACIEI Accreditation Matters?

The accreditation assures programs meet standards to produce graduates ready to enter critical fields that are leading the way in innovation, emerging and needs of the public.

Eligible for Accreditation

You are Eligible to become accredited or member with ACIEI if your institution identifies itself as one of the following institution types:

  • Any Diploma, Certificate and Degree granting institutions.
  • Any Vocational, Occupational, Professional institutions.


Any International Diploma, Certificate and Degree granting institution. The institution must provide a certified translation of an official document from an appropriate government organization in their respective countries stating approval, recognition or accreditation.

Accreditation Benefits

  • The process of preparing an accreditation self-evaluation and self-study increases the focus on quality of learning and renews a commitment to the educational mission.
  • The accredited institution reinforces a commitment to continuous improvement, development, and invention.
  • An accredited status creates greater visibility and provides prestige and credibility for the institutions and treeing centers.
  • Accreditation provides a sense of pride within the institution.
  • Accreditation may lead to more successful expression of medical and business credits.
  • Accredited status may be printed in the institution website, catalog, business cards and advertising materials.


ACIEI Membership is a reputable membership to the accreditation for those institutions who are not completely ready for accreditation. The institution may be eligible to apply for membership and become ACIEI special member.

ACIEI Membership Department has been designed to make an opportunity for institutions to contact and do business with other institutions and business globally.

Accreditation in the U.S. and other countries

For institutions located within the United States, regional accreditation of the institution is required for accreditation eligibility. Not all countries have the equivalent of regional accreditation, and the government may provide the authority to grant diplomas, certificates and/or degrees. When considering any degrees or programs, students are encouraged to contact institutions they may wish to attend in the future as well as the human resource department of specific employers. Diploma, certificate and/or degree acceptance policies will vary by institution and employer.

Step by Step for ACIEI Accreditation

Institution or Programs new to accreditation have a required Preparation and Review before the onsite visit. A request for Self-Study Reports is on January, April, and September of the year of on-site visit.

Before Valuation and Eligibility


Before our institution seeking ACIEI accreditation, your program should determine if it falls into the categories that we accredit, and that it meets our Minimum Requirements. Prior to seeking an accreditation review, each program must have a functioning valuation process in place that meets ACIEI criteria for accreditation in five areas: Institution Objectives, Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, Feature Plans & Improvements and Continuous Improvements.


Requesting Initial ACIEI Accreditation

A Request for Preparations and Review (RPR) is required from all institutions/programs seeking initial accreditation if the institution has no currently ACIEI accredited programs in the same commission. The deadline for Preparation and Review is January, April, and September.


ACIEI Renewing Accreditation

Institution and/or Programs that are renewing an existing accreditation must submit a request for preparations and review. Your institute or/and program will need to submit an RPR for any general/comprehensive visits, interim visits, or interim reports.

You must mail to ACIEI office official transcripts for two graduates from the most recent graduating class for each program requesting review.


ACIEI Accreditation Outside the U.S.

While ACIEI accreditation process for programs outside the United States is identical to the process for institutions and programs within the U.S.A., there are different logistical requirements international programs should take into account.

In addition to submitting an application and other materials, institutions and/or programs outside of the U.S. must have each appropriate education authority, recognition, or accreditation agency within their country complete a request for acknowledgement from to be submitted with the Application and formal request for evaluation.


Accreditation Types:

  • Institutional Accreditation

ACIEI Evaluates overall schools/colleges/university quality but does not focus on specific academic or professional programs.


  • Programmatic Accreditation

ACIEI evaluates academic or professional program of study, not an institution as a whole. A specific academic or professional program of study can be granted accreditation at a variety of certificate, diploma and degree levels.


  • Professional Accreditation

ACIEI may evaluate vocational, occupational and professional institutions as well.



Mission Statement and Goals

Assessment planning begins with the institutional mission statement, which describes the communities that are served and the institutional purposes and other characteristics that define your institution. At the same time, your institution’s valuation leader should work with an appropriate mix of faculty and administrators to develop a plan of action and timeline to ensure departmental assessment goals and deadlines are met.

Objectives & Student Outcomes

Institution and Program educational objectives are based on the needs of the institution and/or program’s constituencies and are expressed in broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. Student outcomes relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program and describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. Defining educational objectives and student outcomes provides faculty with a common understanding of the expectations for student learning and supports consistency across the curriculum, as measured by performance indicators. Performance indicators represent the knowledge, skills, attitudes or behavior students should be able to demonstrate by the time of graduation that indicate competence related to the outcome.

Conduct Assessment

Assessment offers a framework through which you can identify, collect, and prepare data to evaluate the achievement of student outcomes and program educational objectives. Effective assessments use relevant direct, indirect, quantitative, and qualitative measures appropriate to the outcome or objective being measured. Appropriate sampling methods may be used as part of an assessment process.

Efficient and effective assessment strategies require an understanding of the arrangement between educational practices and strategies. This can be accomplished by mapping educational strategies to learning outcomes. Strategies for data collection and analysis need to be systematic and consistent and focus on valuation related to the performance indicators.

Appraise Assessment

Appraise processes interpret the data and evidence accumulated through the assessment process and determine the extent to which student outcomes and educational objectives are being earned. Considerate evaluation of findings is essential to ensure that decisions and actions taken as a result of the valuation process will lead to program improvement.

Decision Making

Valuation provides a framework for a meaningful feedback process, which is critical to strategic decision making. Creating and maintaining an ongoing quality assurance system helps to keep your institution and program relevant to the professions it serves, supports the highest quality student experience, and confirms that your graduates are well prepared for their careers.




To be eligible for accreditation with ACIEI, an institution or entity must satisfy the following requirements. 




Study and review instructions on how to apply, eligibility criteria, financial statement requirements and other requirements as well




Return the completed application with appropriate fee, a cover letter that outlines how the institution meets the initial eligibility criteria must accompany the application with the signature of owner(s) and submit financial statements.

ACIEI is committed to collaborating with the institution in effecting a smooth and deliberate path toward meeting criteria and attaining an accreditation status. 




The self-evaluation report is the most important part of the process of accreditation and must be considered a major effort of the institution. It is not an endeavor that can be completed quickly. It requires time and careful planning. The self-evaluation report provides the institution with the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of its operation.

Upon receipt of the application and the eligibility of an institution has been verified it is sent the self-evaluation report for completion. There are two self-evaluation report deadlines each year in preparation for the two commission meetings each year.  Check the ACIEI calendar for specific dates.




Initial and recycle institutional applicants are required to attend an ACIEI Accreditation Workshop prior to submission of the self-evaluation.  Check the ACIEI calendar for specific dates.

The Accreditation Workshop provides an overview of ACIEI accreditation process as well as evaluation visit preparation and procedures. The Accreditation Workshop is required for all institutions applying for a renewal of accreditation. The chief on-site administrator and/or self-evaluation must attend an accreditation workshop before submission of the self-evaluation. The Accreditation Workshop is required for all initial applicants but is also open to anyone interested in learning about the ACIEI Initial Accreditation process.




Institution is required to undergo a preliminary visit to confirm eligibility and determine whether the institution is in substantial compliance with the standards.  A negative preliminary visit might delay the onsite team visit.




ACIEI is accepting Self Evaluation Report 3 times a year

2-10 January

1-10 April

1-10 September




When an institution has submitted a satisfactory self-evaluation report and other required documentation, the ACIEI President will appoint a team to visit and evaluate the institution. The institution is notified of the arrangement of the visiting team accordingly.

Institutional and programmatic applicant visits are scheduled for 1-3 days depends on school size.




All documents and materials pertinent to an institution’s accreditation are reviewed by the appropriate commission of ACIEI. This group will make a recommendation to ACIEI if the evaluation file is complete.

Commissioners are provided an institution’s self-evaluation report, team reports, and its response to the team reports.  Results are provided within 2-3 weeks of the meeting.




ACIEI action to accredit or renew accreditation or not to do so, or otherwise condition the grant of accreditation, is determined only following review of relevant institution information and report by committee.


STEP 10:

Register your institution with ACIEI Accreditation Quality and Services (AQS)


ACIEI Membership

Whether you are interested in accredit and certify your business and profession, developing your business and knowledge, strengthening your network, furthering your career or in need of some quality and professional friends, ACIEI can be a great option for you. In addition to providing information about your chosen field ACIEI can enhance your personal and professional development and provide endless networking opportunities.

The membership year for all membership categories is 12 months from the date your application is approved.


ACIEI Membership Benefits

  • Networking:
    • ACIEI may offers courses, conference, seminars and workshops. These would be opportunities for you to socialize with others in your professional field.
  • Job Fair:
    • There is some job fair where you can make contact and stay up to date with the HR people who are responsible and looking for right employees.
  • Extend your knowledge:
    • Staying informed on your industry’s trends will only help you in the long run and will put you one step ahead of the competition. With ACIEI courses, conference, seminars, workshops and webinars to keep themselves and their members up to date on the latest innovations, research and trends.
  • Mentoring:
    • Mentoring is the foundation of ACIEI when it comes to working with younger members. You may never get in the room with someone at the top of your field, for a very long time. But ACIEI has the ability to pare you with someone much more knowledge and experience.
  • Leadership:
    • ACIEI gives you an opportunity to develop your skills as a leader, and this is important not only for your personal growth, but for your growth in your business as well.
  • Improve Your Network:
    • Networking is a very important key for the leaders of the community. Making connections is critical and joining ACIEI gives countless opportunities to connect on a local and global level. Creating professional relationships is important and joining ACIEI allows you to have a sense of security, trust and confidence. You’ll be able to support and help one another in reaching your professional goals and be a professional leader in the field.
  • Give back to the community:
    • ACIEI coordinate socially conscious initiatives to support community efforts. We make sure to be plenty of options internationally for members to choose for if members are looking to give back.
    • ACIEI provides you with an avenue to “give something back” to the profession, perhaps by presenting at one of our events or by authoring an article in online journals. While this in itself is an admirable thing to do, it’s a win-win transaction as it also raises your profile in the professional community.
  • Make a New Friend:
    • Use ACIEI clusters as an opportunity to escape the norm and meet new professional people that may give you a reason to come out of your shell a bit more and have fun and do business as well.
  • B2B:
    • Business-to-Business, which is a model that focuses on selling products and services to other companies. Think of it as a supportive enterprise that offers the things other companies need to succeed or get a leg up on the competition.
  • Professionalism:
    • It might be the most skeptical of reasons to join, but there’s no doubt that membership of ACIEI is seen as “A” plus by prospective employers. Your association with the brand sends the message that you are serious about your profession, and you are willing to put your money where your mouth is.
  • Bonuses:
    • Most of ACIEI services offers for members only either free or with substantial discount that easily covering the cost of membership.
  • Awards:
    • ACIEI also sponsors for Recognition Awards, Achievements Awards and Leadership Awards. These awards are important because they shine a light on outstanding work that should be showcased but might otherwise have remained undiscovered. Our professional awards honor organizations and individuals whose passion, talent and expertise make the greatest contributions to the field of profession.
    • You can honor the recognition, achievement and leadership, when you nominate a project, program or individual for one of these prestigious awards. The awards recognize organizations, products, projects, people, books and articles.
  • ACIEI Annual Conference:
    • Enjoy discounted member rates that allow our members to present research and project activity attend professional workshops, go on tours, and network with leaders.
  • Use ACIEI Certificate and Recognitions internationally.
  • Unlimited Reputable Representation.
  • Participate in ACIEI’s Member forums.
  • Use “ACIEI Member Logo” in your websites, business cards, catalogs and other publication – as long as you are an active ACIEI






Initial Application Fee                                                            $950

Each program reviewed                                                          $690

On-site Institution review (inside the U.S.)                            $4,100

On-site Institution review (outside the U.S.)                          $8,200

On-site program review                                                          $1,950

Extra day, per evaluators (inside the U.S.)                             $310

Extra day, per evaluators (outside the U.S.)                           $500

Visit to branch/satellite/clinic and treatment center

locations, per location                                                             $1,950

Annual Membership                                                                $500

Change of Name                                                                     $300

Change of Ownership                                                             $1,950

New Program                                                                          $1,950

Online/Distance Education                                                     1,950

Non-Credit, Short-Term Modules                                          $400

Travel Expense                                                                       Expenses Incurred

Annual Fee (Institution)                                                         $950

Annual Fee (Program)                                                                         $500

After travel has commenced (outside the U.S.) No Refund
Non-refundable travel costs (outside the U.S.) Actual Cost Incurred




Renewal of Accreditation (inside U.S.)                                  $2,500

Renewal of Accreditation (outside the U.S.)                          $4,500

Extra day, per evaluators (inside the U.S.)                             $310

Extra day, per evaluators (outside the U.S.)                           $500

Visit to off-campus/satellite/clinic locations, per location     $950

Travel Expense                                                                       Expenses Incurred


Institutions Outside the U.S. Travel Expenses:

Travel expenses include but are not limited to roundtrip airfare (business class), lodging, transportation, meals, international calls, visa costs and travel medical and security insurance, airport pick-up, escort and daily ground transportation between each of the visit locations.


Interim Reviews

In some cases, the results of an on-site review may call for an interim report. This does not require an additional on-site review but there are still some charges for institution/program reviews.


On-site Reviews Cancellation Fees

Cancellation fees will be charged when an institution cancels an on-site review.


Workshops & Conferences

ACIEI holds several workshops and conferences for accredited members and initial applicants to involve and learn more about accreditation criteria, policies and procedures. The institutions may have chance to share ideas on current issues involving proprietary institutions.

ACIEI Workshops and Conferences are developed in cooperation with recognized standards experts who thoroughly understand the issues and the requirements of effective standardization leadership and participation.

Workshop Fees
The workshops and conferences registration fees are not include transportation, hotel accommodations and other expenses.

Institutions will be registered for a workshop only when they receive confirmation from ACIEI.

Initial Accreditation Training  $1,990
Programs Setup  $1,590
Consultation and Review   $5,900
Renewal Accreditation   $650
Distance Education Training   $650
Staff Training   $650
Deferral   $450